Learn & Earn with Skillify Training Program


Skillify offers a comprehensive Spoken English course, but I couldn’t find the exact details on their website. However, I found some information on Spoken English courses that might interest you.

Meet The Trainer(s)

Our Tuttor is (M Phil in English Linguistics)

As an English language expert, he has taught, and groomed thousands of students become successful in their careers by mastering the art of communicating in English language. His experience is grounded in the solid foundations of action research. Besides teaching, he is presently Chief Editor of International Bulletin of Linguistics and Literature (IBLL): an international refereed journal published by Research Syndicate of which he is the cofounder.

With a vision to establishing a responsible and ethical society, Professor Altaf Malik participates in a number of community service projects including Clean-Green Pakistan and Justice Equity, a charity to support poor people get free legal services. He is also an international motorbike traveler, putting his efforts in promoting eco friendly tourism and promoting Pakistan as a safe and friendly tourist destination.

What you will learn

After completing this course, trainees will be able to:-

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