Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is Skillify Training Program?
A. Skillify Training Program is Pakistan’s first Online Training Program to empower the youth with skills that are in-demand in freelance market. It consists of multiple online skill-based training courses. The very unique feature of this program is that the course content has been designed specifically for a Pakistani audience in a mix of Urdu-English language.

Q2. Why should I join this program?
A. You should join this program to enhance/learn skills that are in-demand in freelance markets. Learning these skills will enable you to become part of rapidly growing freelance market and earn without looking for a job.

Q3. Is the Skillify Training Program a private or Government program?
A. You should join this program to enhance/learn skills that are in-demand in freelance markets. Learning these skills will enable you to become part of rapidly growing freelance market and earn without looking for a job.

Q4. When will the Enrollments for Batch open?
A. Enrollments for Batch-08 courses will open on 16th Jan 2025.
Note: Enrollments will be on First Come First Served basis.

Q5. When will the classes start?
A. The classes of Batch-08 will start from 16th Jan 2025.

Q6. Do I have to pay to join the training?
A. There is no fee and the program is being offered absolutely for FREE! All you have to do is sign up for the program and start training in courses which suits you.

Q6. Do I have to pay to join the training?
A. There is no fee and the program is being offered absolutely for FREE! All you have to do is sign up for the program and start training in courses which suits you.

Q7. Which courses are being offered in this training program?
A. There are 15 courses that are being offered in this program.
- Graphic Designing
- Video Editing
- Animation
- Content Writing
- Content Marketing
- Digital Marketing
- Web Development

Q8. What is the minimum educational qualification required for this program?
A. There is no minimum educational requirement to take the Skillify training and we encourage everyone who can read, write and understand English to take the training to build their future as a freelancer.

Q9. What are the technical requirements of this program?
A. To access the DigiSkills program, you need to have a good stable internet connection at home along with a desktop, laptop, or an android phone.

Q10. How do I study?
A. All the videos and learning material for each module will be available on Skillify Online Learning Platform.

Q11. I am already a freelancer, will freelancing course be helpful to me?
A. Even if you are a freelancer, you can enroll in our DigiSkills Training Program to learn new skills to make more money or enhance your freelancing portfolio by learning from experienced freelancers and experts. This course will definitely offer something new and helpful to existing freelancers.

Q12. Will this initiative offer jobs to freelancers or is it just to train them?
A.  This program has been launched to train people in those skills that are demanded in freelance markets. It will not offer jobs to trainees, rather, it will offer skill-based trainings, which will enable them to get projects from freelance markets.

Q13. Do I need professional advice in selection of the course(s)?
A. Which course is suitable for you, depends on your interest and to some extent on your previous education. All courses are of equal importance. The Freelancing course is mandatory if you are enrolling in Skillify for the first time, whereas, from the remaining courses, you can select any course which excites you. Course introductions and learning outcomes that are available on the web portal can help you decide.