Why Skillify
A Platform to impart 1 million trainings in the Furture Work
Skillify is the largest Training Program in Pakistan offering best Free Online Courses in freelancing Skills with E-Certificates.
At Skillify, project’s mission is to offer one million trainings to create strong workforce for a future shaped by the Fourth Industrial Wave, characterized by technology orientation, innovation and initiative. We can already see, in our economy and others, that companies have begun extensively outsourcing key functions such as HR, marketing, accounting, etc. Who they are outsourcing to is a growing body of freelancers – individuals who have the skills, the energy, and the determination to provide services which companies previously had to handle in-house. This is where initiative is key. The freelancing marketplace is full of diverse and talented individuals who need to stay current and constantly be looking to learn and grow their skill toolkit. Training and education is a continuous process in order to be successful.
Bringing women and young girls into this digital marketplace will not only boost the size of the domestic economy, but increase competitiveness, address growing demand, and allow for more families to meet their education, health, and lifestyle needs.
There is hope that an advanced digital marketplace of workers in Pakistan will facilitate e-commerce, allowing goods manufactured in Pakistan to be sold both domestically and internationally. Everything from technical skills to leather good and furniture can be marketed and exported using digital skills. Bringing women and young girls into this digital marketplace will not only boost the size of the domestic economy, but increase competitiveness, address growing demand, and allow for more families to meet their education, health, and lifestyle needs.
The program aims to increase:
- Number of individuals working as freelancers in the country
- Number of hours worked per freelancer
- Earnings per hour or per project for freelancers
- Household incomes
- Financial inclusion
- IT exports
- Number of experts in specialized skills